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Win a Garnier rejuvenating lavandin trio

1 prize to be won!

Enter this competition to win the Garnier Organic Anti-Age Rejuvenating Lavandin Trio, a powerful and luxurious skincare collection designed to help you achieve a radiant, youthful complexion. Enriched with the natural goodness of lavandin essential oil and carefully selected organic ingredients, this trio is your secret to unlocking age-defying beauty. This set contains Garnier Organic Lavandin Smooth and Glow Facial Oil, Anti-Age Day Cream and Anti-Age Eye Care. 


The Garnier Organic Anti-Age Rejuvenating Lavandin Trio offers a complete skincare regimen to restore your skin's youthful vitality. Each product is certified organic, vegan, and free from parabens, silicones, and synthetic fragrances, ensuring a truly natural and responsible choice for your skincare routine.

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/07/2025.


Garnier Organic Anti-Age Rejuvenating Lavandin Trio x1